Automate robust security measures directly into your continuous integration pipeline. This hands-on workshop starts your path for mastering automated security checks and strengthening your projects security posture from the get-go!
## Prerequisites
- Text editor
- git
- GitHub Account and Public repository
## Topics
- How the GitHub Actions work
- What is a good security test in continuous integration
- How to analyse your code against defects
- How to analyse your dependencies against known vulnerabilities
- How to check your open source licenses
- How to scan your code for secret leaks
- How to scan your infrastructure as code for misconfigurations
- How to generate bill of materials
- How to check http security headers status from a website
- Implementing branch guards
## Who should attend
- Security Engineers
- Software Developers
- Anyone interested
Joona Immonen
Joona Immonen is a cloud security consultant with background as a developer. He has been early adopter in both cloud and DevSecOps. Lately he has been focusing on delivering secure cloud solutions on Azure as a cloud and security architect.
Pasi Huuhka
Pasi Huuhka is a Microsoft Azure MVP with a background as a DevOps Architect, Developer and a Sysadmin.
He has been working with Microsoft products since 2013 and has broad knowledge of Azure services ranging from IaaS all the way to serverless offerings. Along the years he has had the opportunity of developing software and automating deployments for 100+ customers ranging from startups to large enterprises.
His current focus is on SRE, DevOps and App Dev on Azure, learning new things while teaching others.